ON PAPER: Mamie Holst & Paul Pagk

January 15 - March 8, 2015

Installation View


Mamie Holst

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(scroll down to view biography)

Paul Pagk

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(scroll down to view biography)

Artist website: www.paulpagk.blogspot.com


Mamie Holst

Born in Gainesville, Florida, in 1961

Lives in Fort Myers, Florida


School of Visual Arts, New York; MFA 1987
Cambridge University International Summer School, Cambridge, England 1984
University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL; BFA 1984
Florida State University Study Center, Florence, Italy 1982

Solo Exhibitions

Feature Inc., New York

Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Edison College, Fort Myers, FL
Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, FL
Feature Inc., New York

Abstractions, Barrick, Marshall, Harris and Harris Foundation Galleries, The Von Liebig Art Center, Naples, FL

Blondeau Fine Art Services, Geneva (brochure: text by Johanna Burton)
Feature Inc., New York

du B, F, H & g, Montreal

Feature Inc., New York

Association for Research and Enlightenment/Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA
Carolyn P. Brown University Center Concourse Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Edison Community College Auditorium Gallery, Fort Myers, FL

Selected Group Exhibitions

Hard Hat Benefit Auction and Exhibition, Blondeau & Cie, Geneva
"seven @ SEVEN 2," The Boiler, Brooklyn

Punt, Feature Inc., New York
"Creature from the Blue Lagoon," Martos Gallery, Bridgehampton, NY; organized by Bob Nickas
"Art on Paper 2012," Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of NC at Greensboro
"This Green Earth: Landscapes from the Permanent Collection," Pannell Gallery, Sweet Briar College, 
 Sweet Briar, VA
"The Old, the New, the Different," Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland
"Adventures, reflections, and ambushes," Manoir de la Ville de Martigny, Switzerland; curated by Balthazar Lovay

Chain Letter, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Santa Monica, CA; curated by Christian Cummings & Doug Harvey 
"bodybraingame," Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago
"Arts for ACT Benefit Exhibition and Auction," Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Edison State College, Fort Myers, FL

The Global Warming Art Report, Space 39 Gallery, Fort Myers, FL; curated by Lily Hatchett
"Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair," NP Contemporary Art Center, New York
"Studiolo," Hard Hat, Geneva; curated by Marc Blondeau and Philippe Davet
Cave Painting: Installment #2, Gresham's Ghost (third location), New York; organized by Bob Nickas
"Why Painting Now?" BFAS/Blondeau Fine Art Services, Geneva 
"After the Gold Rush, 106 Green, Brooklyn 
"Populate This Form," Feature Inc., New York
Accrochage, Blondeau Fine Art Services, Geneva, Switzerland
"Inside Out Loud: Visualizing Women's Health in Contemporary Art," Mildred Lane Kemper Art
 Museum, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO; curated by Janine Mileaf (catalogue)

Psychic Landscape, "Yvon Lambert, New York
" RLV Invitational 04," Rancho Linda Vista, Oracle, AZ
"Gallery Artists," Feature Inc., New York

Mamie Holst and Tracy Miller, Feature Inc., New York
Snapshot: An Exhibition of 1,000 Artists, Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, MD
"Grok Terence McKenna Dead," Feature Inc., New York
"Sources of Chi" (two-person exhibition), Broward Community College Fine Arts Gallery, Davie, FL
"Southeastern Aquamedia Exhibition 2000," Kinston Arts Center, Kinston, NC; curated by
 John A. Hancock
"Artists Beyond Disabilities," California State University at Long Beach Design Gallery, 
 Long Beach, CA; juried by Rosetta Brooks
Extraordinary Art: Beyond the Museum, 33rd Street Armory, Philadelphia; organized by the
 Women's Committee of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; juried by Sara Steele
"Artists Beyond Disabilities," California State University at Long Beach Design Gallery, 
 Long Beach, CA; juried by Todd Gray
Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists Space, New York
Artarget Open National Juried Exhibition, Manatee Community College Fine Arts Gallery, Bradenton, FL; 
 juried by Florence Putterman

Visual Arts Gallery, New York; curated by Lucio Pozzi
Visual Arts Gallery, New York; curated by Susi Bloc
 "Fifty for the Twentieth Art Alumni Exhibition," University of West Florida Art Gallery, Pensacola, FL

Fetishes: Five Artists from Northwest Florida, Florida Center for Contemporary Art, Tampa, FL


Paul Pagk

Born in England UK, 1962
Lived in New York.


1978 to 1982: École Nationale Supérieure des Beaus-Arts, Paris, France

Solo Exhibitions

Oeuvres récentes, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris France
18 Drawings and 1 Painting, Studio 10, Brooklyn, New York
Mesquite drawings, Some Walls, Oakland, Ca, USA
Recent Paintings, My red maybe your orance, even, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Children of the Revoluton Cosmic Sex Poem, Exhibition, New York
Home is where the heart is, Baukunst Galerie, Köln, Germany
Recent Paintings, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
To K from P with love, Markus Winter, Berlin, Germany
Aftermath & Lexicon, Moti Hasson Gallery, New York
Open project space, New York
Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Battle Pagk curated by Adrian Dannatt, Thomas Erben Gallery, New York
Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Galeries des etudes, ENAD Limoges-Aubusson, France
MACC, Fresnes, France
Le 10 neuf, C.R.A.C. Montbéliard, France
Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
CRG Callery, New York
CRG Gallery, New York
Galerie Eric Dupont, Toulouse, France
Thread Waxing Space, New York
Galerie Eric Dupont, Toulouse, France
Thread Waxing Space, New York
Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France
Galerie Simone L'Hermitte, Rouen, France
Jean-Marie Monthiers, Paris, France

Selected Group Exhibitions

ON PAPER Mamie Holst and Paul Pagk, presented by Jane Kim, 33 Orchard, New York
Material Way, curated by Kathleen Kucka, Shirley Fitterman Art Gallery BMCC, New York
(S)ITATIONS La beauté devient avant-garde une passion privée, Musée de Sarrebiurg, Sarrebourg, France
Summer Show, Focus on Painting, FL Gallery Milan, Italy
Pipe Dreams, Wishful Thinking, Grand Gestures & Dirty Lies, ACE project Space. New York
Brooklyn Bridge, curated by Justine Frischmann, George Lawson Gallery, SF, USA
Social Photography III, Carriage Trade, New YorkCome Together: Surviving Sandy, Year 1, curate by Phong Bui, Dedalus foundation, Brooklyn, NYla main invente le dessin, centre culture de rencontre, abbey de saint-riquier, France
Four Tet JIM Comtempori, Barcelona, Spain
Emergence, A Proposition by: Katrin Bremermann, Erin Lawlor & Yifat Gat.
Hôtel de Sauroy, Paris
Wit, curated by Joanne Freeman, Painting Center, New York
Around the corner, Four Painters Living in Tribeca: Hermine Ford, Joanne Greebaum, Paul Pagk, Gary Stephan, organized by Lucien Terras, New York
Line and Plane, McKenzie Fine Art, New York
Surface Affect, Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York
Wavers, curated by EJ Hauser and Rob Nadeau, Brooklyn, New York2011
Social Photography II, Carriage Trade, New YorkA Romance of many Dimensions, curated by Brent Hallard, BrooklynArtistGym, Brooklyn, New York
A Review, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York
A few of my favorite things, The End, Brooklyn, NY
70 Years of Abstract Painting – Excerpts, Jason McCoy inc. New York
Paper A-Z, Sue Scott Gallery, New York
Geometric Days, curated by Papo Colo, Jeanette Ingberman, and Herb Tam, Exit Art, New York
Social Photography I, Carriage Trade, New York
Painting and Sculpture, Foundation for Contemporary Art Benefit, Lehmann Maupin, New York
Informal Relations curated by Scott Grow, Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art, Indianapolis, USA
Geometric Progressions, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York
LUSH Life, curated by Franklin Evans and Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Scaramouche, New York
A fleur de peau II – Le dessin à l'épreuve, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris
Present, curated by Jay Murphy, HP Garcia Gallery, New York, France
Group Show, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris
Untitled (On Paper), Moti Hasson Gallery, New York
Inside the Pale, curated by Frank Schroder, Thrust Projects, New York
Orthodoxe/Hétérodoxe : choisir sa ligne, Le 10neuf, C.R.A.C. Monbéliard, France
Beyond the Pale, curated by Candice Madey and Tairone Bastien, Moti Hasson Gallery, New York
Trait, ligne, écrire l'espace, F.R.A.C Beauvais, France
Twist it Twice, curated by Franklin Evans, Moti Hasson Gallery, New York
Hands up/Hand down, Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York
A fleur de peau, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris
Excès de traits, Frac Picardie , Amiens, France
Le Cabinet 2, curated by Ann Philbin, FRAC Picardie, Amiens, France
Le Cabinet 1, curated by Gabriel Orozco, FRAC Picardie, Amiens, France
Zenroxy, curated by Ivan Vera, Von Lintel Gallery, New York
Galerie Martagon, Malacène, France
Recent acquisitions, FRAC Picardie, Amiens, France
Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA
C.R.A.C., Montbéliard, France
New York Draws, Gas-Works, London, and then Corner House, Manchester, UK
Current under current, Brooklyn Museum, New York
Drawings, AC Project Room, New York
Works on Paper, Alona Kagan & Jose Martos, New York
Other Rooms, Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York
Metamorphose Part II, Guillaume Gallozzi, New York
Summer Exhibition, CRG Gallery, New York
Logo Non Logo, curated by Robert C. Morgan and Pierre Restany, Thread Waxing Space, New York, and then to University of South Florida, USA
Centre Lotois D'Art Contemporain, Figeac, France
Written-Spoken-Drawn in Lacanian Ink, curated by Raphael Rubinstein, Thread Waxing Space, New York
Drawings, Galerie Regards, Paris
Intérieurs, Musée Goya, Castres, France
Abstract Painting, curated by Robert C. Morgan, Nahan Contemporary, New York
Three Painters, curated by Timothy Nye & Miguel Abreu, 470 Broome Street, New York
Galerie Jacques Girard, Toulouse, France
Park Floral de Paris, Paris
Carte Blanche à Yves Michaud, CREDAC, Ivry, France
Centre CULTUREL de Brétigny, Brétigny-sur-Orge, France
L'Epure, curated by Yves Michaud, Galerie Beau Lézard, Paris
Journées Jeunes Créateurs, Espace Kiron, Paris
Sur Invitation, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris
55 Panoyaux, Paris

Press release


download press release

Jane Kim is pleased to annouce the new year with "On Paper," an exhibition of works on paper by Mamie Holst and Paul Pagk at 33 Orchard. Opening Thursday, January 15th from 6 to 8 pm, the show will run through March 8, 2015. "On Paper" presents two distinct bodies of work by Mamie Holst and Paul Pagk of more than sixty drawings. The two series, Holst's "A Town Called Mindington" and Pagk's "November drawings," are installed throughout the space, opposite one another at 33 Orchard.

Paul Pagk's "November drawings" are an internal meditation of his practice as a painter. Created during the month of November 2014, Pagk uniquely focused on drawing, sometimes making three to twenty works on paper per day using graphite, ink, oil pastel, dry pastel, pencil, pen, watercolor and gouache on paper, As opposed to his paintings, which are somewhat controlled with specific narrative of form and color, Pagk's works on paper convey a loose, free flowing quality. The intensity of these drawings work from an emotional center where art meets life, and one witnesses the compulsive quality of the studio practice in it's daily development.

Mamie Holst presents a series of seventeen thought-provoking drawings, "A Town Called Mindington," (2011-2013) that explore our relationship to our surroundings and the ubiquitous ambiguity of the human experience. Through her muted color palette and adherence to the basic artistic tenets of line, form, and space, Holst encourages a universal introspection on the uncertainties, but also the abundant possibilities, of life. While her canvases of black and white acrylic paint have an explosive and psychedelic quality, Holst's work from "A Town Called Mindington" invokes the same grey, white, and black signature palette, with the careful addition of colored pencil, to achieve a more contained form of expression.
Alongside the sixty or more works on paper in the exhibition "On Paper," a selection of paintings by Holst and Pagk will be shown in the office of the gallery.

Paul Pagk was born in England in 1962 and lives and works in New York. Recent solo exhibitions include "Oeuvres récentes," Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, 2014 and "18 Drawings and 1 Painting," Studio 10, Brooklyn, New York, 2013. In 2014, Pagk's work appeared in the group exhibitions "Material Way," Shirley Fiterman Art Gallery BMCC, New York; "(S)ITATIONS La beauté devient avant-garde une passion privée," Musée de Sarrebourg, France; "Summer Show, Focus on Painting," FL Gallery, Milan, Italy; "Brooklyn Bridge," George Lawson Gallery, San Francisco. Pagk is the recipient of the Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant 2014.

Mamie Holst was born in Gainesville, Florida in 1961 and currently lives and works in Fort Myers, Florida. Holst received her Master of Fine Arts degree from the School of Visual Arts in New York.From 2000 to 2014, Holst was represented by Feature Inc., New York, where she exhibited regularly in one person and group shows. Recently, the artist was included in the group shows "spacematters," Brian Morris Gallery, New York, 2014; "Eccentric Abstraction," frosch&portmann, New York, 2014; "The Optical Unconscious," Kunst(zeug)haus, Rapperswil, Switzerland, 2014; "Hard Hat Benefit Auction and Exhibition," Blondeau & Cie, Geneva, 2013; and "seven @ SEVEN 2," The Boiler, Brooklyn, 2013. The artist will participate in a group exhibition this Spring at Anton Kern Gallery, New York.

The Works, Mamie Holst
(scroll down to The Works, Paul Pagk)

The Works, Paul Pagk